Monday, August 31, 2009

iTunes U Introductions

Introduction to iTunes U

This is an introduction to iTunes U produced by Apple Inc.

ITunes U at Miami Dade College

This is a pretty good intro into how iTunes U is used at the largest community college in the US.

iTunes U at the University of Georgia

Two early adopters from UGA introduce the iTunes U and talk about their experiences.

Electronic Learning Videos #1

Technology in the Classroom

This video was created by the University of Alabama to explain how several students use technology. This video explains it from the student side. (contributed by Catherine Armstrong)

Connecting education with how students use technology (1:47)

This video discusses students use of web 2.0 and introduces a really interesting web site for resources, (see

Learning to change Changing to learn (5:36)

Geared more toward k-12, it's worth watching just for the opening segment. Well produced sound bites by educators. "It's the death of education, but it's the dawn of learning."